Music Notes
February 2014
Greetings from the
Lannoye music room!
Please check out the
new posts at Don’t forget to sign up for email updates in the upper right corner,
underneath the Lannoye Dragon. February posts include a video of kindergarteners singing “Johnny Works with One Hammer,” a list of links where 4th
and 5th graders can practice their treble clef note names (super
helpful for our recorder unit!), “The Star-Spangled Banner,” a post about
musical onomatopoeia, an explanation of the Google Voice DRUM card opportunity for 4th and 5th grade recorder players, and a bunch of
entertaining covers of “Let It Go” from Frozen.
There’s plenty to enjoy!
In addition to
preparing two school-wide songs for Grandparents Day, here’s a grade-by-grade
breakdown of what the students have been learning:
The kindergarteners are working on
beginning music reading while playing instruments, using boxes with pictures
(Rhythm Band). We’ve also continued learning about dynamics (forte and piano),
by thinking of loud and quiet animals, moving to recordings and showing
forte/piano with our movements, and moving to live music.
The 1st graders learned about
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart early in the month, and they really latched onto some
of the fun facts about him! (See if they still remember any…it’s been a while!)
We also worked on showing high and low pitches with body movements, which we
then turned into solfege! The 1st graders now know “so” and “mi” –
see if they can show you those pitches and their hand signs!
The 2nd graders learned low “do”
and have sung songs and have played singing games for songs with low “do” in
them. We have also learned how to sightread music by clapping the rhythm,
finding the pitches based on where the “do” key is, and finally singing the
melody (rhythm + pitches) together. We’re still talking through it together,
but it’s a good skill to have!
The 3rd graders have learned
high “do” and just started learning low “so.” They can sign and sing an
extended pentatonic scale (do, re, mi, so, la, high do) without any help from
me! We’ve been singing rounds and partner songs in two, three, and even four
parts, and they’ve been doing splendidly! We have also just begun to add a new
rhythm to their toolbox: ti-ta-ti.
The 4th and 5th graders
have been working hard at playing their recorders. We’ve talked a lot about the
importance of practicing and practicing correctly. I emphasize that they should
choose tempos based on their abilities – I’d rather hear right notes slowly
than wrong notes quickly! We’ve also talked about the quote, “Don’t practice
until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.” Some of the
students were even ambitious enough to call my Google Voice number and play
three songs for me to earn a DRUM card! J
Have a lovely March!
Ms. Corinne Galligan
(920) 822-0433
(920) 822-0433
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